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Here at Developmental Tutoring our purpose is to help your child feel more confident in their ability to learn and participate in the class room.

- Lucy Ketjen


Developmental Tutoring was founded by Lucy Ketjen a Qualified Behaviour Technician who has drawn on her many years of experience in child therapy and specialised tutoring. Lucy has worked with various Developmental & Educational Psychologists and developed her own methods and teaching aids that complement her teaching plan.  With a variety of resources available children are provided with the individual tools needed to flourish towards their best.

Lucy has worked with a large number of children over the years. Some of those requiring just a little further help and explanation, to children with varied special needs. She is a big believer in encouraging a child to become their best self. Each child has strengths in different areas, and the need for an investment in tutoring is wide and varied.

Lucy Ketjen is the founder and owner of Developmental Tutoring. She started working as a Behavioural & Developmental Therapist in early 2005 delivering early intervention services and has delivered early intervention therapy to children aged from 18 months to 16 years old along with tutoring at a variety of locations including at homes, child-care centres and schools. She has 13 years of extensive experience teaching children of all abilities and with different needs, including:

  • Autism Spectrum Disorder

  • Asperger’s Disorder

  • Global Developmental Delay

  • Language and Communication Difficulties

  • Social Delay


  • Difficulties with reading, literacy and decoding

  • Speech and language delays

  • Selective Mutism

  • Verbal and non-verbal children

At Developmental Tutoring we are dedicated to helping children succeed academically and otherwise. We take great joy in helping a child reach beyond their limitation and succeed by gently challenging  them to reach their goals and beyond. Children should be supported in their learning promoting self-esteem, self-belief and self-confidence. We collaborate very closely with other Allied Health Professionals.

Lucy Ketjen, Behavioural and Developmetal Therapist is a Qualified Behaviour Technician through The Behavior Analyst Certification Board (BACB), has extensive ABA training levels 1, 2 & 3 as well as being a qualified Special Needs Educational Assistant. She is also a professional member at the dsf (Dyslexia- Speld Foundaion).

We offer a free initial phone discussion, this helps us to get a sound appreciation of your child’s situation and what your concerns are.